Parking Lot Nighttime Acrylic Print

by Scott Listfield

Product Details
Parking Lot Nighttime acrylic print by Scott Listfield. Bring your artwork to life with the stylish lines and added depth of an acrylic print. Your image gets printed directly onto the back of a 1/4" thick sheet of clear acrylic. The high gloss of the acrylic sheet complements the rich colors of any image to produce stunning results. Two different mounting options are available, see below.
Design Details
A figure in an astronaut suit stands before a banner that reads ROBOT INC. END THE WAR!! under a brightly lit streetlight. The scene unfolds in a... more
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Comments (15)
Artist's Description
A figure in an astronaut suit stands before a banner that reads "ROBOT INC. END THE WAR!!" under a brightly lit streetlight. The scene unfolds in a desolate parking lot at night, and a sign prohibiting skateboarding is visible on the streetlight pole. Nearby, there's a shopping cart tipped on its side, contributing to the atmosphere of urban neglect.
About Scott Listfield

I paint astronauts and, sometimes, dinosaurs. Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey was released in 1968, which was about 8 years before I was born, so I have no firsthand knowledge of how it was received. I do not know if people genuinely believed we'd be living in space in 2001. If we'd have robot butlers and flying cars, geodesic lunar homes with sustainable gardens, and genetically reconstituted dinosaurs helping or eating the human population. But from Lost in Space to the Jetsons to Jurassic Park, it seems that popular culture craved and fomented this space-age perception of the future. Generations raised on these programs, movies, comic books, and novels are now grown and living in a future filled with mini vans, Starbucks,...
Chandrika Thushara Pani
Myrna Walsh
Creative and so interesting! Also so very well done. Congrats on your sale.
Kathy Krause
Congratulations on your sale! :-)
Gene Parks
Congratulations on your sale!
Lucia Stewart
Congratulations on your sale!
Lazaro Hurtado
Bill Cannon
Congratulations on your sale Scott!!
Odon Czintos
Congratulations on your sale.
Dan Carman
Great work...congratulations on the sale!
Linda Knorr Shafer
Fantastic!! I love your work!
Diane Daigle
This piece deserves a comment,,, it's as amazing and thought provoking as your others! Here it is then,,,, GREAT! Scott, after looking at your work I am inspired to make more of a statement with mine rather than just a horse in a field,,, such a challenge, I only hope I am up to it. :>)