Rock the Casbah

by Scott Listfield
Original - Not For Sale
Not Specified
48.000 x 36.000 inches
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Rock the Casbah
Scott Listfield
Painting - Oil On Canvas
A large blue and red robot stands prominently in the foreground next to a classic car, which has been tipped onto its side. In the background, a grand mosque with multiple domes and tall minarets establishes a tranquil setting, contrasting with the presence of small figures that resemble stormtroopers from a popular sci-fi franchise, seemingly investigating the area. Birds fly in the clear sky, adding a sense of life to this unique mix of elements.
December 13th, 2007
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Comments (30)

Nancy Pahl
Thanks again, Scott! Who needs tv when you can go on faa and see work like this. You are sick and I love you for it. FV

Atheena Romney
Oh my .....I am laughing so hard right now!!! You are not going to believe how much this painting represents our life!! We moved from Jordan to the Middle East, my two sons 8 and LOVE transformers, my age is of the Storm Troopers and we shipped over our white CADILLAC that looks EXACTLY like the one you painted!! Crazy! Well Done Scott!!